Moon Geun Young has been suffering because of misleading reports that she would not be able to graduate from Sungkyunkwan University due to a lack of credits.
After a news agency reported on January 18 that Moon Geun Young would not allowed to graduate in February because she had not earned enough credits, several internet news outlets scrambled to report that she had not completed the school course because of a lack of dedication. Amid the situation, Moon didn′t give any explanation or excuses, but her fan café set out to hotly refute the news reports.
Moon’s fan café, ‘Moon Geun Young Angels’ posted a notification and sent emails with the title, ‘We’ll give you the correct information on Moon Geun Young’s credits and graduation issue.’
The statement continued, “The rumors related to Moon Geun Young’s credits and graduation issue were derived from an inaccurate title of a news article. Moon Geun Young has completed up till the first semester of her fourth year and she has been engaging in her academics in a passionate and sincere way up to date. At present, she has finished seven semesters as a total. In addition, the credits that she will have to earn to graduate in one remaining semester are a mere eight credits.”
You have to gain 120 credits to graduate from the university, and supposing you have to complete eight semesters in total, you have to earn 15 credits per semester. Then Moon has now only eight credits to earn in the last semester, which means she has been studying hard and sincerely over the past seven semesters."
"It is not that she has already finished eight semesters but she cannot graduate because she has not earned the necessary credits for graduation, but that she is still an enrolled student who has to study for one more semester. It’s not true that she is not qualified to graduate. She is a student on a leave of absence. She has one semester left to finish because she took a leave of absence to work on pieces and study languages abroad.”
The rep from the fan café argued, “[Moon] focused on studying during semesters while focusing on acting during filming because she does not like attending school half-heartedly. That’s why she took a leave of absence and has one semester left. If it is the problem, do all actors need to only study to graduate after eight semesters without taking a break to perform in pieces? We feel so much regreat that the masses might have misled by such incorrect articles and cunning revisions.”
“She might have felt this was unfair because she devoted herself to studying while sincerely pursuing an acting career. If the news article is right, does she have to graduate early after finishing only seven semesters? We are concerned that the masses were misled by the inaccurate article. If you see wrong information, please correct them wherever you are.”
Meanwhile, a source close to Moon said, “Though she still has one semester left, she can make a comeback if there are good pieces. She’ll try hard to show a better side of herself."
credits: enewsworld