2011.09.09 Cyworld Update

Time of feeling preciousness.
소중함을 느끼는 시간.

Song Title / Artist
Fall, Again (가을, 다시) - Daybreak (데이브레이) http://chirb.it/d9NExH
Photo (사진) - Daybreak (데이브레이크) http://chirb.it/rxvhEp
It's a Lie (거짓말이죠) - Vibe http://chirb.it/tnsLMe
While Looking at a Picture (사진을 보다가) - Vibe http://chirb.it/G6M12K
These Days You (요즘 너 말야) - J Rabbit (제이레빗) http://chirb.it/Mbqt3O
Is it Hard (힘든가요) - J Rabbit (제이레빗) http://chirb.it/yrrC7O
Ache (앓이) - Standing Egg (스탠딩에그) http://chirb.it/3pffgH
Sadness Always Approaches Like a Cold (슬픔은 늘 감기처럼 다가와) - BearPD (곰PD) http://chirb.it/vqegKm
Alone in the Room (혼자 있는 방) - IU (아이유) http://chirb.it/qBedFI
This is Not What I Thought (이게 아닌데) - IU (아이유) http://chirb.it/JHqC2B
credits to and translations by Soompi Moons
please check out the song was she posted. All about a sadness feeling and losing someone. I hope i was wrong. I hope she will be happy all the time... Fighting moonie... We love you all