Main미안해요. Sorry.
Photo Update

나를 보고싶어하는 당신들을 위해,
셀카를 찍어 보았어요!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아~ 쑥쑤러오라...////▽/////
한달동안 지내면서 찍은 셀카가...
이 사진들을 포함해서 4장 뿐이네요.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
남은 한달동안 적어도 10장은 채워서 갈께욤. 큭-
지난 한달동안은 많이 외롭고, 무섭고, 어려운게 많았는데요.
역시 사람은.. 본능적으로다가, 환경에 적응하게 되나봐요. 히-
이제는 무서운 것도, 두려운 것도 없이 아주 잘 지내고 있답니다.
영어 울렁증도 많이 많이 사라지고- 되는대로 몸 쓰면서...ㅋㅋㅋ
여전히 외롭긴 하지만,
그리운 것들이 참 많긴 하지만,
보고싶은 분들이 더더더 많기 하지만,
그것마저도 적응이 되어가는 것 같습니다. ^^;;;
기대하고 온 것 만큼, 혹은 바라고 온 것 만큼..
눈에 보이게- 혹은 손에 잡히게-
배우고 있는지는 잘 모르겠지만...
그래도 한편으로는,
미처 생각하지 못한 것들로 인해,
혹은 상상도 하지 못해던 것들로 인해,
기대 이상으로 배우고 있는 것 같아서...
이제는 남은 한달이 아쉬워지기도 합니다.
그렇지만! 너무너무 보고 싶은 분들이 많아서-
(당연히 당신들 포함해서!!! ㅁ 쳇-흥-킁!)
더 머무르지는 않을 것 같네요!ㅋ
나중에 다시 또 온다면 모를까~ㅋ
암튼! 건강히- 무사히- 재미있게 지내다가 돌아 갈께요.
그러니 여러분도! 건강히- 재미있게- 행복하게 지내시길...
뭐~ 저 없어도 아주 즐겁게 지내시는 것 같아서...
조금은 씁쓸하긴 하지만!ㅠ
뭐~ 나는 쿠울한 여자니까!!!! 푸하-
자랑스러운 배우가 될 수 있도록.
창피하지 않은 사람이 될 수 있도록.
최선을 다해서 즐기다 가겠습니다!!!! 히-
정말로... 나만큼 보고싶을까? 큭-
많이 많이 보고싶고, 곰탕하고! 또... 감사하네요!
정말... 진심으로....
항상 그리워해주셔서, 그리고 기대해주셔서...
정말! 감사합니다!!!
그럼- 당신들은 굿 하루! 나는 굿밤- 뿅♡
English Translation by Soompi Moons
To you dears.
To you dears who miss me,
I took a selca (short for self-camera)! kekekekeke
Ah~ shy...////▽/////
During the one month stay here, the number of selcas I took...
Including these pictures are just 4. kekekekeke
During the remaining one month, I will leave having taken at least 10. keuk-
During the last one month, although I felt very lonely, scared, and had many difficulties.
As expected, humans.. it seems we instinctively adjust to our environment. hee-
Now without anything scary or fearful, I am doing extremely well.
My fear of English has greatly disappeared- and I use my body (gestures) as much as I can...kekeke
Although I am still lonely,
Although there are so many things that I miss,
Although there are so many more more more people who I want to see,
Even those things, I think I am adjusting to them. ^^;;;
As much as I had expected, or wished when I came..
So that they are visible to my eyes- or able to grasp with my hands-
Although I'm not sure if I'm learning like that...
Still on one hand,
Because of the things that I had not thought of,
or because of the things that I had not imagined,
Since I think I am learning more than I had expected...
Now I'm sad that I'll just be here one more month.
Nevertheless! Because there are so so many people who I want to see-
(Of course that includes you dears!!! +ㅁ+ chet-heung-keung!)
I don't think I will be prolonging my stay longer! kek
Although I'm not sure (about that), if I were to come again later~ kek
Anyways! I'll spend my time healthily- safely- enjoyably, and return.
So everyone! I hope you spend your time healthily-enjoyably-happily...
Though~ it seems you are very enjoyably spending time even without me…
Although it is a bit sad!ㅠ
But~ since I'm a c~ool woman!!!! Puha-
To you dears!
So that I can be an actress you're proud of.
So that I can be a person you're not embarrassed of.
I will do my best and enjoy, then head back!!!! hee-
Really… wonder if you miss me as much as I do? keuk-
Miss you a lot and a lot, and gomtang (love) you! And again… thankful!
Really… Sincerely….
For always missing, and anticipating...
Really! Thank you!!!
Then- Good day dears! I will have a good night- Bbyong♡
credits to and translations by Soompi Moons문근영