2011.12.04 Cyworld Update

The Wind is Blowing (바람이 분다) - Lee Sora (이소라) http://chirb.it/vfKgeF
To You (너에게) - Lee Sora (이소라) http://chirb.it/d03mgP
To You Who Does Not Love Me (나를 사랑하지 않는 그대에게) - Lee Sora (이소라)
That Person is Leaving (그 사람이 떠나갑니다) - Lee Sora (이소라) http://chirb.it/eHK6Cp
Now No More (이제 그만) - Lee Sora (이소라) http://chirb.it/g27Bzv
It's Love (사랑이야) - Lee Sora (이소라) http://chirb.it/ht3c1P
credits to and translations by Soompi Moons